
Smart CEO Accelerator – The Capacity Builder

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Designed to Propel Growth-Stage Businesses Forward.

The Smart CEOs Accelerator is a transformative 6-week program tailored for growth-stage businesses looking to scale effectively. Presented by JPMorgan Chase & Co., this program provides comprehensive training on key business areas including strategic growth planning, supply chain optimization, business acquisitions, cybersecurity, commercial real estate, and leadership development. Our expert facilitators will guide you through each module, ensuring you gain the insights and tools needed to drive your business forward.

Why the Smart CEOs Accelerator?

The Smart CEOs Accelerator propels your business forward with expert guidance and personalized coaching tailored to your specific challenges. The comprehensive curriculum covers crucial business areas, providing in-depth knowledge and practical skills. Network with like-minded entrepreneurs and access exclusive resources, including workbooks, toolkits, and digital assets.


Application Deadline Extended to  September 20th, 2024

Application Timeline

Opens July 29, 2024 - Closes September 20, 2024

Cohort Location

Greater Phoenix Area

Program Modules

Our curriculum is designed to address the most critical aspects of business growth and sustainability:
  • Strategic Growth Planning
  • Supply Chain Optimization
  • Business Acquisitions
  • Cybersecurity
  • Commercial Real Estate
  • Leadership Development

Eligibility Criteria

The Smart CEOs Accelerator is open to growth-stage businesses that meet the following criteria:
  • At least one year of operation
  • Minimum annual revenue of $250k
  • Operating in the Greater Phoenix Area

CEO Coaching

Elevate your leadership skills with our tailored coaching sessions designed to address your unique challenges and goals. Through one-on-one guidance, you will develop the confidence and expertise needed to lead your business to new heights.

Community Networking

Benefit from the collective knowledge and support of fellow business leaders, fostering an environment where you can exchange ideas, develop strategic partnerships, and expand your professional network.

Marketing Strategies

Craft marketing strategies that truly resonate with your audience and drive engagement. Develop a deep understanding of your market's needs and preferences to create impactful campaigns that capture attention and build lasting connections.

Exclusive Resources

Gain access to comprehensive workbooks, toolkits, and a variety of digital assets designed to boost your business growth. Leverage these materials to enhance your strategic planning, marketing efforts, and operational efficiency.

About the Founder

Kyra Rénel Hardwick is the visionary behind the Smart CEOs Accelerator. Partnering with JPMorgan Chase, she has created a transformative program for growth-stage businesses.

The statements, views and opinions that will be expressed during the event are those of the presenters and are not necessarily endorsed by, or reflect the views or positions of, JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA or any of its affiliates. The presentation is for informational purposes and is not a recommendation or solicitation of any particular actions. JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA and its affiliates are not liable for decisions made or actions taken in reliance on any of the information covered during the event.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)