

Our Partners and Recommended Service Providers:

At Smart CEOs, we are proud to collaborate with a diverse group of partners and recommended service providers who share our commitment to excellence and innovation.

Project Management (IT/FINTECH/PM)

BKJ Golbal Management Consulting

Accounting and CPA Solutions

TNR Accounting

IE Services


Marketing and Brand Development

Blum Consulting

Life Coaching and Development

The Reminder Remedy Coaching Co.

Private Wealth Management

Alexander Legacy Private Wealth

Brand Photography/Videography

Right Time Solutions

State Farm

Oria Dafe

Chef to the Smart CEOs


Human Resource Consulting

Alchemy Consulting Group

The Brandy Jackson Insurance Agency

Brandy Jackson Insurance

Style Consultant

By Karon

Time To Exhale Network

Administrative Support

Black Women's Lifestyle & Professional Network

Beauty & Brains

Support Resources for Your Business Growth


At Smart CEOs, we provide access to key resources that support your business’s growth and development. Explore these valuable organizations:

National Minority Supplier Development Council

Connects minority-owned businesses with corporate buyers, offering opportunities to thrive in diverse markets.

Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)

Offers personalized assistance and mentorship to small businesses nationwide, providing support in business planning, financing, and growth strategies.

Minority Business Development Agency

Empowers minority-owned businesses through targeted programs and initiatives, promoting economic growth and competitiveness.

Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)

The leading certifier of women-owned businesses, advocating for diversity in corporate and government supply chains.


A comprehensive platform for registering and managing government contracts, helping businesses engage with federal opportunities.

Smart CEO's Invest and Collaborate for Exponential Growth

Investing, collaborating, and growing together as a community of CEOs is a powerful force that amplifies the potential of each member. Our collective strength lies in the shared resources, knowledge, and opportunities that we create together. By forging our expertise and capital, we not only accelerate individual growth but also foster an environment where innovation and success are accessible to all.


Our growth as a community includes access to capital, enabling us to fund new ventures and expand existing businesses. Collaboration within our network unlocks opportunities that might otherwise remain out of reach, whether it's entering new markets, forming strategic partnerships, or gaining insights from fellow leaders. Together, we are building a thriving ecosystem where every CEO has the tools and support to achieve lasting success. Let’s continue to invest in one another, share opportunities, and grow stronger as a unified community.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)