
Private Programs

Dream Maker -VIP Strategic Planning Session

“As a master strategist, I’ve designed the exclusive Dream Maker VIP Experience to create unparalleled success for solo CEOs by leveraging the TKC methodology for strategic planning. This experience focuses on three critical areas: people, process, and profitability. By honing in on these elements, we ensure that your organization operates efficiently, aligns its culture with its mission and vision, and delivers the right messages to your ideal and target customers.”
-Kyra Rénel , MBA
Through this VIP experience, we assess and optimize each area, ensuring that your service model is not only operationally sound but also strategically aligned to drive growth. By aligning these key components, solo CEOs can achieve clarity, focus, and a roadmap to success that is deeply rooted in the core values and long-term vision of their business. Your strategic plan includes: A full implementation plan and timeline coverining, Marketing , Product and Service Delivery, Revenue and a full resource strategic. 

TKC Business Development House

TKC Business Development House is a full-service business and strategic development house that aims to build business structure, processes and staff by providing immediate solutions and a team of dedicated professionals.

The TKC Team willingly answers the call and provides business owners with the immediate relief of stress, emotional ups and downs, and the fear of failing after putting valuable effort into their dream. Business owners can finally imagine what it will feel like to have their “own” team.

A team of professionals dedicated to their dream, from TKC, an industry-leading Organizational Development Firm to their very delicate and industry-changing business. We’ve got you! 


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)