
About us

About us

Smart CEOs

At Smart CEOs, we are dedicated to empowering today’s leaders and tomorrow’s visionaries. Our mission is to provide Smart CEOs and aspiring leaders with the tools, resources, and support they need to succeed.

Who is a
Smart CEO?

A Smart CEO is a business owner, C-level leader, or aspiring entrepreneur that has come to the distinct realization that support is required to grow.

A Smart CEO is incredibly brilliant and open to operational excellence as they develop great people that follow efficient processes and generate tremendous profitability. They are the elite amongst many.

Kyra Rénel Hardwick, CEO

Meet Our Founder & CEO

Kyra Rénel Hardwick, MBA is the driving force behind TKC Smart CEOs, bringing her extensive expertise in strategic planning and leadership development to the organization. As CEO, she is dedicated to empowering Smart CEOs and aspiring leaders with the resources they need to excel. Known for her innovative approach and commitment to excellence, Kyra Rénel helps businesses navigate challenges and achieve sustainable growth. Her leadership at TKC Smart CEOs ensures a comprehensive support system that fosters collaboration, continuous learning, strategic decision-making, and community support. Kyra Rénel and her team are dedicated to the people, process, and profitability model that drives your business.

Our Mission, Approach, & Values

Our Mission Our Approach Our Values
To provide Smart CEOs with the tools, resources, support, and access they need to succeed.
Through accelerators, live trainings and digital courses, roundtable discussions, summits, and podcasts, we offer a comprehensive ecosystem for growth and development.
  • Collaboration
  • Continuous Learning
  • Strategic Decision-Making
  • Community Support

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)